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Pokemon Hoenn Adventures

pokemon Hoenn Adventures gba romhack

DOWNLOAD Pokemon Hoenn Adventures ROM HACK


We’re entering the revamped Hoenn region to enjoy a never-before-seen experience. Based on the story of Ruby and Sapphire, we’ll experience a new adventure with new graphics, new story arcs, increased difficulty, and endless surprises waiting to be discovered. What are you waiting for to dive into this great world?


  • Master Brock – Temporal Converter, Scripter, Mapper, Scripter and Bug Fixer.
  • VerskrDark – Insertion of tiles, other graphics and shouts. Expansion of attacks and effects (Unused). Addition of fairy type.
  • Jack Johnson – Paella Chef, Scriptwriter, Mapper, Graphics, Scripter and Bug Creation/Fixer.
  • IouriTenista – Tennis Player, Scriptwriter, Tester, Difficulty Curve (Coaches), Spelling, String Translation and Bug Fixes.
  • Glace_91 – Chinoworker, Scriptwriter, Tester, Translation (Pokédex, Items, Strings), Difficulty Curve (Wild), Easter Eggs and Bug Fixes.
  • Fenrir – Co-creator, translation and testing.
  • Samu – God, Scripter, Routines (ASM and C) and Bug Fixes.
  • Septum – Screamer, Spriter and Tester.
  • Piru – FIFA Manager, Spriter and Tester.

Download link

This is a v1 translation there will be a v2 later this week to fix some mistakes, so check back!

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45 thoughts on “Pokemon Hoenn Adventures English”

    1. because its not out yet lmao, I had a release date on it as listed today in big bold letter but people still though it was out lol, the link leads to the video because I had more info there incase people decided not to read. link will be updated today in around an hour.

    2. I try to download the game but don’t know how to do it what are the steps to download the game. Do I need to pay for the website to sign in to download the game. I got a iPhone SE

  1. Hi! just found out your game and looks it look awesome. idk if i’m correct, but it seemed that there’s still some small details thats not been translated in English? And also, are you perhaps the same creator for Pokemon Mega Hoenn Adventure? (just curious) Thank you!

      1. Hello

        I can’t find the V2 anywhere. Has it been released yet? The Link on top still sends me to the V1 file. Thanks!

  2. There is a game breaking bug once you face archie in the abandoned ship the screen goes black and it doesn’t register that you completed the event because when you talk to watson the event resets and you can’t continue.

      1. It did it multiple times, until I said yes to Archies question then it solved itself. So I think to avoid the issue you have to say yes to the question.

  3. I’m stuck in fortree city. I’ve just rescued latios. Where am I meant to go to now? I can’t access the gym or head to lilycove city cos I need the scope to reveal the hidden pkmn. Where do I get that?

  4. Where do n I go ne t? I’m stu knight fortree city. I just rescued latios and don’t seem to have the scope to reveal the hidden pkmn. Where do it get it?

  5. I had the archie thing happen, but I said no the second time too and it went through, but I’m stuck at fortree, did the event with steven at the bridge, got brought back to the bridge and steven is nowhere to be found, and the kecleon’s are still blocking the way with no devon scope

      1. Brycin Baptiste

        I’m looking for the updated version too. I’m also stuck at the devonscope/kecleon problem too.

        Unless you have a code I can just use to bypass kecleon so I can simply just enter the gym using walkthrough walls cheat? I’ve tried using other websites and their emerald cheats but can’t find not one of them to work for the cheat. Please help!

  6. Joshua M Clements

    when i change you txt doc it doesnt show up to be able to be patched im not sure what im doing wrong but somehtin is not right with either the download link or the file extracting

  7. for some reason im not able to understand how to change it to a gba file cause when i go to rename it only renames the title and not the document

  8. Any idea when we will be getting version 2 of the translation? It’s been more than a week since this notice was posted. =D

  9. Hey thanks for your work.
    I have the problem that when i start the game and click new game – the only thing i have , is a green screen and nothing else. should i use a specific emulator – Visual Boy Advance.
    Hope, someone can help.

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