A region fragmented by a war; in different factions. A post-war crisis due to the great fortunes that were invested in weapons. The definition of absolute chaos and the decay of a splendid region.
You are 18 years old and you live on a farm. Built with bad memories and theft. Your wish is to lead a normal life, together with your Pokémon, Riolu, that is, to seek redemption away from Etérea.
But every wish since you abandoned your parents will be interrupted by an event. An event that transcends the threads of time, stories and legends, something that will show you your true destiny: the secret of a civilization submerged and forgotten by time.
- A new region; full of natural and quite strange places, shrouded in mysteries.
- Ancestral bond (Megaevolution).
- All Pokémon and regional forms.
- A new story.
- Cameos and references to the entire saga, naturally, without noticing that it is forced.
- Regional forms.
- Pokémon from 1 to 8 Generation.
- Achievements.
- Secondary missions.
- Book system.
- Stealth missions.
- Black markets with exotic objects.
- Remodeled soundtrack.
- Some theme from the game.
- Unreal time; without depending on the time of your device.
- Day/night system.
- Cities/Towns illuminated at night.
- Different Pokémon depending on the time zone of your game.
- Experience share.
- Mat: to be able to change the day and night cycle as you wish.
- Pokémedicine (Pokévial)
- PC in Menu
- Dust clouds in caves (So that there are no random encounters)
Download link
Creators:@Pkmn_LostLegacy English Translation: HackHaven
7 thoughts on “Pokemon Lost Legacy”
Woah is that the original dragon in the box art, that’s so cool
Link is not working
Keep getting that its missing scripts
I’ll look into it
try it now
No speed up / turbo mode ??
Try Q or Alt