DOWNLOAD Pokemon Super Dark Worship GBA ROM HACK
“Super Dark Worship” is a Pokémon hack set in the unique and mysterious Seafood Region, where a gripping, original storyline unfolds. The region faces a dire threat as an ominous Evil Sect launches a ruthless invasion, seeking to capture the Sacred Pokémon. Their motives are shrouded in darkness, raising the question of whether their plans could bring catastrophe to the Pokémon world. As the protagonist, you embark on a thrilling journey with the ultimate goal of becoming the champion of the Seafood Region. Along the way, you’ll encounter familiar characters from other Pokémon games, forge new friendships, and battle against the formidable forces of the Evil Sect. With each victory, the stakes grow higher as you fight not only for your title but for the fate of the entire region.
- 9th Generation.
- New Region and History.
- Dynamax and Gigantamax.
- YouTubers In the Game.
- Level Cap.
- DexNave.
- Shared Experience.
- 27 Starter Pokémon.
- New game mechanics. (Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, Dynamax, etc…)
- Several Side Quests that give you important items.
- Graphics similar to NDS.
- Items that replace HMs. (Crazy Axe, Crazy Mass, Crazy Climber & Crazy Hammer)
- Possibility to choose the starterTrecko with physical or special split.
- Pokemon until Hisui.
- Some Pokémon Sprites made by (André Freitas).
- Puzzles during the journey and inside the gyms that need to use your brain a little.
- All TMs available.
- Poke Center with item shop and NPC with some options. (Name Rater, Move Relearn, Move deleter e Move tutor)
- You can choose the difficulty level at the beginning. (Easy, Normal, Hard e Expert)
- NPCs with reference to real people.
20 thoughts on “Pokemon Super Dark Worship English”
So are you gonna upload the english rom soon?
soon, before november
Hey it’s nearly the end of the month, are you gonna upload it on Halloween?
Its november 2nd upload it already
delayed for personal issues rn but still coming out before the end of the year.
dude, take care, no rush, do it at your own pace, appreciate it !
Hey, it’s almost the end of the year? Is it ready?
actually scratch that I’m gonna need a couple more day’s because I have to fix stuff in the unbreakable ties english version
Happy New Year Raizen! Hope things have been going well for you. Not trying to be one of the annoying savages, but any updates? Regardless, we appreciate all that you do as a one man operation that you don’t have to do, but you do anyway.
it’s coming, ended up breaking the translation so I gotta do some digging
Yo! Is it ready to download?
it’s coming, ended up breaking the translation so I gotta do some digging
Is there an ETA for the translation ?
it’s coming, ended up breaking the translation so I gotta do some digging, not a solid eta but i’ll have an update on my channel community posts
Hi, does anyone know when the English version will be released? Thank you.
I broke the file so I’m redoing it, when I have a new solid date it’ll be posted
jadore les jeux pokemon jai bien beau chercher partout pokeharbor pokehostel etc… il ny as toujour que pokemon dark workship en anglais(Galar seulement) et Super dark workship(Spanish seulement)…
Quand esc ce que nous auront finalement Super dark workship en Anglais, sa commence a etre tresc lon la fameuse nise a jour. Que se passe til
I love Pokemon games, I’ve looked everywhere for Pokemon Harbor, Pokemon Hostel, etc. There’s still only Pokemon Dark Workship in English (Galar only) and Super Dark Workship (Spanish only)…
When will we finally have Super Dark Workship in English, it’s starting to be very long, the famous update. What’s going on?
Me encantan los juegos de Pokémon, he buscado por todos lados Pokémon Harbor, Pokémon Hostel, etc. Aún solo hay Pokémon Dark Workship en inglés (solo Galar) y Super Dark Workship (solo en español)…
¿Cuándo tendremos por fin Super Dark Workship en inglés?, se está haciendo muy larga la famosa actualización. ¿Qué está pasando?