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Pokemon Team Rocket Edition

pokemon team rocket edition gba romhack

DOWNLOAD Pokemon Team Rocket Edition ROM HACK


You begin your adventure as just another Grunt in the One Island headquarters, in the Sevii islands, with the intention of gradually ascending in the organization, you must successfully complete the missions assigned to you by your superiors.

Your story takes place in the same timeline as the beginning of Red and Blue’s adventure, and since at some point you will be sent to Kanto, you will have the opportunity to witness Red/Blue’s story from the perspective of a member of Team Rocket, and, see everything that was happening behind the scenes.

The idea of this hack is that you, as a random Rocket Grunt, can do everything in your power to reverse the classic situation in which Team Rocket and Giovanni are destroyed by red,  There will be a clash between this and the canonical story (which will be maintained in this hack) that we all know.


  • 3 complete regions (Kanto, Sevii and Johto + DLC after completing these regions).
  • Around 90 hours of gameplay (30-35 hours main story, 10-15 Sevii + post Kanto, 25-30 Johto, 15-20 DLC).
  • Pokemon from the Gold/Silver 97 beta included as canon.
  • Important trainers with Ivs and Evs – Medium-high difficulty, with competitive level combats.
  • Hierarchical system within Team Rocket. As you complete missions you rank up and your appearance changes.
  • Pokemon up to 9th gen. Pokemon from the Gold/Silver beta 97 canon facts.
  • Countless new Pokémon (rocket experiments, bond phenominon, new megas…) that add lore to the game.
  • Custom music for most important battles, as well as numerous unexplored areas in fire red.
  • More than 20 optional events and secondary missions with the main purpose of enriching your role as a rocket agent while obtaining unique items and Pokémon.
  • Massive world, going beyond what the FR protagonist sees in the original games.
  • Countless new maps that cover unexplored areas in the original games of both Kanto and Sevii Islands, as well as Johto.
  • More than 1200 trainers in total.
  • Possibility of catching all Kanto and Johto Pokémon except Mew and Celebi. Possibility of catching more than 600 pokemon in total.

Download link


Creators:@Dragonsdenpower @Dragonsden95

Pokemon Emerald Base Game Patch.

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10 thoughts on “Pokemon Team Rocket Edition”

  1. Both download links leads to Youtube.
    Your youtube videos/description/playlists just redirect to hackhaven.com.
    Would appreciate if you could reupload (to Mega/Drive etc).

    1. The first link sends you to the creators channel who has their spanish version download link, the English one has TBA(To be announced) because an english version isn’t out yet, it redirects to my video because I explain if/when an english version will be released.

  2. Is it fully completed or is it only kanto saga cuz when i try to go to johto after completing kanto saga it says that translation ends here ?

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